Monday, March 9, 2015

How does TheSpaReview rate spa quality?

"Quality" is a loaded word.  I know, because in my professional life, I am an expert on quality in learning systems:  quality standards, quality assurance, quality certification.... And unless one is very clear, the word "quality" can be misunderstood. 

Here at TheSpaReview, quality means "excellence from a consumer perspective."  We have developed consumer-based quality standards based on years of spa experiences - and it's the exceptional experiences that have become our expectations of all "real" spas.

"Spa" is another loaded word!  In an unregulated world, anyone can use the word.  So we can have great variety in spa size/status.....

  • large, luxury, full-service spa facilities - like Cleopatra Spa in Dubai
  • boutique spas with limited but high quality services - like Elements in Doha's Souq Waqif
  • specialized spas focusing on health like the Al Nadha Resort in Oman
  • heritage spas like Cemberlitas hamami in Istanbul
  • chain spas like Mandara found in luxury resorts worldwide, like Sunway in Kuala Lumpur
  • ladies-only spas like the Luthan Spa Hotel in Riyadh
  • and more!
But then there is "Maria's nail spa" on some backstreet in any city you want to name, or the "Thai massage spa" around the corner from the hotel in any city in the world.  I even take my Jeep to a "car spa."  Seriously....  I'm not necessarily saying Maria doesn't do great nail work or that the Thai massage won't be wonderful.  I'm saying those aren't real spas.   

The word "spa" needs to mean something.  To us, it implies beautiful facilities, luscious products and services, personalized wellness choices, exceptional memories. To achieve that, a spa needs to meet high quality in at least these 9 simple categories:  
  1. information for potential customers
  2. making a booking
  3. arrival 
  4. personnel
  5. facilities
  6. changing rooms
  7. additional services
  8. treatments
  9. policies and enforcement
These are explained in this survey we use when we are rating a particular spa for TheSpaReview.    TheSpaReview Spa Quality Rating.

It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it!  We rate the quality of spas so that you can simply enjoy. So that you feel like a Royalty.  

Before you book, check to see how many Crowns they have been awarded by TheSpaReview!

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